
Data and guidance options for John Deere displays

29-01-2018 | |
Data and guidance options for John Deere displays

Co-ordinating the work routine when several tractors and implements are operating together in the same field should be easier with a new data sharing function for John Deere’s latest built-in and standalone displays.

In-Field Data Sharing, which is bundled with 3 AutoTrac guidance functions, enables operators to share maps with up to 6 others showing coverage, application, yield and moisture, along with straight and circle guidance tracks.


John Deere’s new In-Field Data Sharing application enables up to 6 operators to wirelessly share guidance tracks, maps and implement data to work more effectively when working in multiple machine operations.

Working efficiently in teams

The new application helps operators to work in a team more efficiently, says Deere, reducing skips, overlap, fuel and input costs for producers and helping to optimise each pass across the field when planting, seeding, harvesting, spraying and applying nutrients.

Operators can also monitor as-applied maps from other machines to check whether they are properly calibrated and performing as they should, and guidance lines can be transferred between machines without resorting to a USB data memory stick.


AutoTrac Turn Automation automates all headland functions, including steering and control functions for the tractor and implement.

Deere suggests the application can also help operators manage nurse trucks, tenders and grain carts more efficiently, while decreasing operating costs.

In-Field Data Sharing

In-Field Data Sharing is bundled with AutoTrac Turn Automation, which automates all headland turn functions, including:

  • Steering: passive AutoTrac Implement Guidance, which compensates for trailed implement drift when operating across slopes
  • AutoTrac Vision Guidance, an auto steering system for tractors working in corn, soybeans and cotton.

In-Field Data Sharing is bundled with 3 AutoTrac guidance functions operated through the 4600 CommandCenter display (pictured) or portable 4640 Universal Display.

All are compatible with the portable 4640 Universal Display for tractors and the seat control console-mounted 4600 CommandCenter display featuring John Deere’s Generation 4 operating system.

Product summary

  • Company: John Deere
  • Name: In-Field Data Sharing
  • Type: Tractor display app
  • Key feature: Allows multiple tractors working in one field to wirelessly share guidance tracks and coverage, application, yield and moisture maps for more efficient field operations and support vehicle management
  • More info: www.johndeere.com
Peter Hill Machinery writer