
European Commission prepares behind-the-Scenes extension of Glyphosate use

21-07-2023 | |
Control of volunteer potatoes in sugar beets with glyphosate in spongy rolls.
Control of volunteer potatoes in sugar beets with glyphosate in spongy rolls.

Recent documents released by environmental organization Pesticide Action Network (PAN Europe) have shed light on the European Commission’s plans for a renewal of the approval of glyphosate. The disclosed documents reveal a concept outlining the proposed extension of glyphosate’s usage.

According to well-informed news outlet Politico, this extension is expected to be a standard 15-year renewal. Towards the end of last year, the European Commission initially proposed extending the approval of glyphosate for a maximum of one year, aiming to allow thorough evaluations of the product’s properties.

No significant concerns

Earlier this month, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concluded that there are no significant concerns regarding glyphosate’s impact. The EFSA conducted a comprehensive review, analyzing thousands of studies (2,400 studies, 180,000 pages) on the effects of glyphosate on humans, animals, and the environment. Multiple experts from EFSA and various member states were involved in this thorough examination. The conclusions from these studies can be found in the concept document.

EU Commission circumvents Glyphosate renewal debate

PAN Europe claims that the European Commission is attempting to sidestep public debate and scientific scrutiny concerning glyphosate by having the renewal concept ready in advance. PAN Europe is an environmental organization that campaigns against the use of chemical crop protection in Europe. The organization has previously argued that the industry obstructs the restrictions on chemical crop protection products.

As the situation unfolds, Future Farming will keep you informed with in-depth coverage and expert analysis on the developments surrounding glyphosate and its implications for sustainable agriculture.

van Rooijen
Lydia van Rooijen Parliamentary reporter
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