
Kuhn launches Autospray precision spraying system

12-02-2019 | Updated on 04-03 | |
De gift wordt opgedeeld in 20 micro pulsaties per seconde. De chauffeur hoeft daardoor op terminal alleen een van de zes druppelgroottes te kiezen en een gift per hectare.
De gift wordt opgedeeld in 20 micro pulsaties per seconde. De chauffeur hoeft daardoor op terminal alleen een van de zes druppelgroottes te kiezen en een gift per hectare.

Kuhn introduces Autospray, a precision spraying system for pulse spraying using Teejet PWM technology.

The new Autospray precision spraying system by Kuhn uses smart spraying valves equipped with Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technology by Teejet.

Equal drop size

The system regulates when and for how long the nozzles open and by doing so also the amount sprayed at equal pressure, in other words equal drop size.

6 drop sizes

The dosage is divided in 20 micro pulsations per seconds (20 hertz). All the operator needs to do, is choose 1 of the 6 drop sizes and the dosage per acre, using the CCI1200 Isobus terminal. The software automatically makes sure the pressure stays the same. The driving speed can be varied as desired.

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The dosage is divided in 20 micro pulsations per second. - Photo: Reesink

The dosage is divided in 20 micro pulsations per second. – Photo: Reesink

Spot-wise application

Farmers who use maps only need to choose the desired drop size. Using this technology spot-wise application is also possible.

No angle sensors or gyroscope

Where competitors use pulse spraying to maintain an equal dosage in inside and outside corners, Kuhn uses this technology solely for driving in a straight line. That way no angle sensors or gyroscope are needed to adjust the dosage while cornering. However, this option wil be available later on, at an additional price of € 500 per meter of working witdh.

Also read: Kuhn I-Spray uses AI to locate and treat weeds

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Frits Huiden Machinery writer