
Winfield United connects John Deere to Data Silo

02-08-2019 | |
Winfield United connects John Deere to Data Silo
Winfield United connects John Deere to Data Silo

WinField United has connected equipment manufacturer John Deere to the Answer Tech Data Silo – WinField United’s cloud-based data-management system.

This collaboration lets farmers who use the built-in technology found in John Deere equipment to filter that information to the Data Silo, where it is securely stored.

This data can then automatically flow into downstream tools like the WinField United R7 Tool, which can send it to other WinField United tools such as the R7 Field Forecasting Tool and the R7 Field Monitoring Tool to evaluate in-season weather and moisture conditions.

This automation eliminates the need for manual data entry, so planting and as-applied data flow seamlessly and populate the tools that provide farmers with insights, says WinField United.

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The new integration offers a variety of possibilities for pre-season and in-season information gathering. - Photo: WinField United

The new integration offers a variety of possibilities for pre-season and in-season information gathering. – Photo: WinField United

Tied in to Answer Plot data

According to the company, this new integration offers a variety of possibilities for pre-season and in-season information gathering. “For example, if you’re a corn grower, having planting data and information about a hybrid automatically entered into the Data Silo allows you to cross-check it with Answer Plot data to determine that hybrid’s response-to-fungicide or response-to-nitrogen scores. Additionally, if during the season you have disease or insect outbreaks in your fields, or if tissue samples in your region are trending behind on nitrogen, your agronomist can alert you, giving you the opportunity to remedy problems and optimize your ROI potential.”

The Data Silo is available to any farmer, no matter what equipment or technology they may be using, says Winfield United.

Hugo Claver Web editor for Future Farming