
Trimble Farmer Core to connect entire farm operation

01-05-2019 | |
Trimble Farmer Core to connect entire farm operation
Trimble Farmer Core to connect entire farm operation

Trimble launched Farmer Core, an entry-level Trimble Ag Software subscription that enables farmers to connect all aspects of their farm operation.

Farmer Core – an addition to the Trimble Connected Farm solution – leverages the new AutoSync feature, which automatically syncs guidance lines, field names, boundaries, landmarks and operator information across Trimble Ag Software and Trimble displays using the Precision-IQ field application. Precision-IQ is used to collect and manage data from in-field activities. “By reducing human error and eliminating the need to manually share data via USB, this new AutoSync functionality improves overall farm record integrity,” says Trimble.

Duplication significantly reduced

AutoSync is included with Trimble Ag Software subscriptions to Farmer Core, Farmer Fit or Farmer Pro. “With AutoSync, Farmer Core significantly reduces duplication, data re-entry and human error because the creation and ongoing management of field and operator information – whether online, via the Trimble Ag mobile app or on the display – is automatically synced within minutes across the entire farm operation,” says Trimble.

Farmer Core, Farmer Fit and Farmer Pro subscriptions enable users to work with precision ag data in real time, including data imported via APIs from third-party displays.

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Trimble Farmer Core to connect entire farm operation

With Farmer Core growers can:

  • Simplify Farm Setup: Create client/farm/field names, import or draw field boundaries and map landmarks with Trimble Ag Mobile, which will then sync across connected devices such as laptops, smartphones, tablets and Trimble displays using the Precision-IQ field application.
  • Streamline Farm Operations: Manage guidance lines boundaries, field names, landmarks and operator data across connected devices in a farm operation, integrating all machine-generated data from Trimble displays and other sources via APIs.
  • Improve Reliability of Farm Records: Track purchases and costs by field, improve consistency of precision ag data and generate reliable ‘proof-of-placement’ reports for a farmer’s own farm records and for third parties.

Struggling with guidelines

“Today, farmers often struggle with how they manage guidance lines. When they’re set up on one display or in the office, operators have to share these with other displays via USB. It’s a clunky process,” said Craig Hiemstra, general manager of Trimble’s Agriculture Business Solutions. ”Farmer Core takes this solution to the next level and helps our customers move faster and reduce mistakes, saving both time and money.”

A Farmer Core subscription is $ 199 per year. Connecting to Trimble displays with AutoSync requires a Display Connection, which is $ 99 per display per year.

Also read: Trimble synchronises data between displays

Hugo Claver Web editor for Future Farming