
The power of Future Farming online

18-05-2020 | |
The power of Future Farming online
The power of Future Farming online

Future Farming has a commitment to drive innovation forward among all crop growers around the world. To do so, the Future Farming website is filled daily with information relevant to farmers through a large worldwide network of specialist correspondents.

To highlight farming’s expertise across the world, with flair and passion for innovative technology that will help underpin the future of food production.

Focusing on advanced devices, precision agriculture and robotic systems and how they allow farms to be more profitable, efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly. This plays a fundamental role in the future of farming, especially in the machinery sector where so much exciting technology is being introduced at a rate no-one would have thought possible a few years ago.

Facts Future Farming online

  • 83,281 pageviews pm.
  • 55,682 visitors pm.

If you would like to know more about the possibilities or have any questions, please contact one of our account managers.

Joey Wensink

Account Manager
+31 (6) 13 77 93 29

Dhierinder Ramcharan
Account Manager
+31 (6) 10 55 99 38

If you would like to know more about the possibilities our have any questions, please contact one of our account managers: Joey Wensink (left) and Dhierinder Ramcharan (right). - Photo: Joris Telders

If you would like to know more about the possibilities our have any questions, please contact one of our account managers: Joey Wensink (left) and Dhierinder Ramcharan (right). – Photo: Joris Telders

Geert Hekkert Chief editor of Future Farming
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