Every year farmers are asking me for advice on what should be the first step in variable rate technology. Every time my advice goes to Nitrogen fertilizer VRA as one of the most crucial, albeit expensive, tasks for a farmer in the application of nitrogen-based fertilizers. The following lines will help you gain a better understanding of the best methods to achieve this using VRA (Variable Rate of Application) technology and it will summarize my advice for them.
Variable Rate Application (VRA) for nitrogen fertilizers is best performed when the fields contain the plants, based on NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). This information can be calculated using an array of sensors, ranging from handheld sensors to machine or drone-mounted sensors, and perhaps most commonly, from satellites.
Let’s go into the pros and cons of different ways of applying the VRA nitrogen, based on my experience in the field.
Application on-the-go is one of the most promoted and well-known methods of application. NDVI sensors are mounted on the tractor (and optionally on the application equipment) to read the ‘greenness’ and health of the plant. Based on this index, more or less nitrogen-based fertilizer is applied, depending on the crop’s condition and set parameters. Let’s explore the advantages and disadvantages of this application method.
While on-the-go application has its advantages, there are some limitations to consider.
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The farmer (or the consultant) should take the decision for each field individually, before the work is starting and the decision should be made based on the collected data, correlated with what is actually in the field to apply efficiently. It’s pointless to apply a lot of nitrogen where it hasn’t sprouted, for example.
Weather conditions influence the quality of the data read by the sensors. Therefore, once you enter a plot, it is ideal to work in the same light conditions throughout the plot, so you should not have clouds or the work should not last very long, so the sun does not change its position significantly.
The other way that this can be done and the way that I am recommending it in the most cases is: Scanning followed by application – this method involves scanning crops and making decisions about how to fertilize from the office (do we apply more or less where we have a good NDVI index?) depending on the situation in the field.
To collect NDVI data, we have three options, each with advantages and disadvantages.
As per my experience lor large crops, in fields greater than 10 ha, I recommend using satellite data for NDVI, but for specialty crops or orchards I recommend using drone mounted NDVI sensors. The sensors mounted on the tractor are the best option, but I recommend it only to big farms, advanced technologically.
Once the data on how the crops are presented using one of the three methods mentioned, the agronomist will have to make the decision on how to apply, particularly for each plot. Do I apply more or less nitrogen where it is greener?
And as you made it that far into this article, I want to let you know that I will follow up on this with a real example and data from a farmer who chose to implement this approach for the first time in spring of 2023. I will let you know step by step on how he did it, the equipment used, the working method, encountered challenges, and the obtained results.